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Provide example(s) of adding the lang attribute to an HTML element that uses more than one language #4064

Open tamsinewing555 opened 2 months ago

tamsinewing555 commented 2 months ago

Task: Add helpful examples to the 'Understanding SC 3.1.2 page of how to add the lang attribute to an HTML element that uses more than one language.

The only W3C page that provides this information is https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations But this is not easy for users to find.

patrickhlauke commented 2 months ago

assuming you're referring to https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations#contentvsattribute here? (where content and attributes diverge)

tamsinewing555 commented 2 months ago

That's the one, @patrickhlauke!