w3c / wcag

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
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Add clarity or conformance level on accessibility A, AA, AAA for the for TV Apps #4065

Open Neha opened 6 days ago

Neha commented 6 days ago

WCAG guidelines are clear for the website, and mobile apps. However, with the increase use of the OTT platform, the accessibility levels and guidelines are missing for TV apps. Eg:

  1. Focused ring: what should be the color contrast for the TV apps for A, AA, AAA
  2. Color contrast: for background color and text
  3. Font-size: Minimum font-size
  4. Navigation: How the navigation should be
  5. Hints: How the hints should be, and position
  6. Screenreaders: Usage of screenreaders
patrickhlauke commented 6 days ago

WCAG is technology-agnostic in its principles and criteria. Your points 1 and 2 are already covered with existing criteria. Points 3, 4, 5, 6 go outside of the scope of what WCAG in general mandates.

GreggVan commented 6 days ago

Correct. WCAG has always driven to be as agnostic as possible to the technologies used on the web.

However, this should not be confused with being technology-comprehensive.

What I mean by that is that:

WCAG2ICT is written specifically to raise these issues — but it only points them out and does not solve them or make WCAG comprehensive

So it is great for web content

it is (very) useful for non-web docs and software and mobile apps — but has to be adapted and does not cover all the areas / aspects.
