You all know these cards that turn once they receive focus. Often they show an image, and hover (and one would hope also keyboard focus) triggers an animation of the card turning over to show text. I guess ESC should revert that change? And what about the hypothetical inverse situation: the card shows text, and hover focus makes it disappear or reveals a decorative image? Would both situations fall under 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus and therefore require a mechanism like ESC to restore the default view?
my take would be yes to both (imagining the problem of a screen magnification user, whose view follows their mouse or focus, who could otherwise not be able to see the front of the card)
You all know these cards that turn once they receive focus. Often they show an image, and hover (and one would hope also keyboard focus) triggers an animation of the card turning over to show text. I guess ESC should revert that change? And what about the hypothetical inverse situation: the card shows text, and hover focus makes it disappear or reveals a decorative image? Would both situations fall under 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus and therefore require a mechanism like ESC to restore the default view?