w3c / wcag

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
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The note on text transcript vs audio description needs to be clearer (and possibly re-worded) #4072

Open Wildebrew opened 1 day ago

Wildebrew commented 1 day ago

The note in WCAG 1.2.3 on the differences between text transcript and audio description is highly confusing and cryptic to me, even if I've done accessibility for 10+ years now.

The fundamental problem I have with it, as I understand it, is that it encourages providing audio description over text transcript (a text transcript only meets WCAG at level A whereas an audio description is a level AA requirement).

Accessibility solutions should consider 3 key factors:

A transcript:

Audio description:

The note, as I read it, encourages using audio description over text transcript (since it satisfies by 1.2.3 and 1.2.5 in one fell swoop). I have a hard time supporting that given how many more users of different disabilities potentially benefit from a text transcript.

I personally think that 1.2.5 should be triple A except in more specific circumstances, such as:

Wildebrew commented 1 day ago

Sorry, I should've clarified in my first comment. My ask is: Make the more accessible version the acceptable alternative for the less accessible version, in other words: A. Remove audio description as an alternative for transcript for WCAG 1.2.3 (for all the reasons listed in my first comment) B. Add transcript as an alternative method for meeting audio description requirements, 1.2.5

That will prioritize the number of users who benefit, ease of use, and ease of conforming for authors.