w3c / wcag21

Repository used during WCAG 2.1 development. New issues, Technique ideas, and comments should be filed at the WCAG repository at https://github.com/w3c/wcag.
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Target Size #60

Closed kwahlbin closed 7 years ago

kwahlbin commented 7 years ago

Current versions of SC and Definitions

Open issues and Surveys

Open issues: SC Status page

SC Shortname

Target Size

SC Text

LEVEL AA The size of the target is at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels for pointer inputs except for the following:

LEVEL AAA The size of the target is at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels for pointer inputs.

Related Glossary additions or changes

Target: Target: Region of the display that will accept a touch action. If a portion of a touch target that does not perform the same action or go to the same page is overlapped by another touch target such that it cannot receive touch actions, then that portion is not considered a touch target for purposes of touch target measurements.

Pointer inputs: input devices that can target a specific coordinate (or set of coordinates) on a screen, such as a mouse, pen, or touch contact. (modified slightly from https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#glossary)

CSS Pixel: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/

What Principle and Guideline the SC falls within.

New Proposed Guideline "Pointer Accessible"

Make it easier for users to operate pointer functionality.

Editorial Note for WCAG group: Pointer includes "Touch" in its definition


The intent of this success criterion is to help users who may have trouble activating a small target because of hand tremors, limited dexterity or other reasons. If the target is too small, it may be difficult to aim at the target. Mice and similar pointing devices can be hard to use for these users, and a larger target will help them greatly in having positive outcomes on the web page.

Touch is particularly problematic as it is an input mechanism with coarse precision. Users lack the same level of fine control as on inputs such as a mouse or stylus. A finger is larger than a mouse pointer, and generally obstructs the user's view of the precise location on the screen that is being touched/activated.

The issue can be further complicated on for responsive/mobile which need to accommodate different types of fine and coarse inputs (e.g. a site that can be accessed both on a traditional desktop/laptop with a mouse, as well as on a tablet or mobile phone with a touch screen).

While this criterion defines a minimum target size, it is recommended that larger sizes are used to reduce the possibility of unintentional actions. This is particularly relevant if any of the following are true:

Examples of Success Criterion

Working Group Notes

To be added to understanding/techniques documentation related to this SC.

"How can authors determine if they need to follow the guidance for fine or coarse pointer?"



Boneyard: Summary of Research on Touch Target Size


  1. Locate all touch targets/actionable items and identify if the inputs are defined for course or fine pointing accuracy
  2. Review the page is set to the device ideal viewport (e.g. the viewport is set to device-width)
  3. Identify what size in pixels the touch target is set to in the CSS
  4. Verify the visible target size is at least 44px by 44px for pointer inputs


M030 Multiple Elements: When multiple elements perform the same action or go to the same destination (e.g. link icon with link text), these should be contained within the same actionable element. This increases the touch target size for all users and benefits people with dexterity impairments. It also reduces the number of redundant focus targets, which benefits people using screen readers and keyboard/switch control.

M002 Touch Target: Ensuring that touch targets are at least 44px by 44px.

FM005 Failure: touch target is less than 44px x 44px at the default viewport size

Potential technique to ensure inline links provide sufficiently large activation target - http://codepen.io/patrickhlauke/pen/aBNREe (this will still prove problematic for paragraphs with high link density, which - depending on viewport size etc - can result in link activation targets overlapping; authors will need further techniques - some of which may be editorial - to ensure this does not happen)

jnurthen commented 7 years ago

Needs exclusions when there are multiple ways to do something. For example the letters A-Z at the side of the contacts app on iOS has a very small touch target - but is not the only way of operating the application. It would be impossible to make each of the letters A-Z fit on the screen with a 48x48px touch target but this is an inherently useful UI. It needs to be allowed.

DavidMacDonald commented 7 years ago

Could address James comment by creating exception.

awkawk commented 7 years ago

@jnurthen - the touch target for the A-Z seems to be 40px wide and hundreds of px tall. That control is essentially a slider.

Are there other examples of well-known, small UI that we should be thinking about?

goetsu commented 7 years ago

dots navigation for carousel

goetsu commented 7 years ago

regarding the issue mentionned by @kwahlbin for paragraph with high density links we maybe can exclude those kind of links (links within text) form this requirements

mbgower commented 7 years ago

I may be missing something here, but would not any short link like this #60 fail this criteria? If I open this page up on mobile device and the entire page is displayed, this link would be a wee speck on the screen.

mbgower commented 7 years ago

Screen shot from iphone 6s showing the current page Even though this page is being handled dynamically by the Safari browser to size to viewport, the three character target "#60" in this image barely appear to meet this requirements. Any kind of 2-character footnote link would fail, I think. And of course viewing a whole page in the browser would make the link microscopic.

kwahlbin commented 7 years ago

Patrick mocked up an example where you can have a larger touch area for short links: http://codepen.io/patrickhlauke/pen/aBNREe

mbgower commented 7 years ago

How about some language that restricts this to user controls other than text links, except where those links are functioning in another role (i.e., as a substitution for a button or menu item).

awkawk commented 7 years ago

It seems like the issues we have outstanding right now are:

An update to address the exception James talked about: All functionality of the content is operable through targets which are sufficiently large. The size of the target in relation to the visible display at the default viewport size is at least:

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

Coming in late on this...


Could address James comment by creating exception.

  • except where another means of performing the function meets the minimums.

Agree. Perhaps adding this after the "... device's ideal viewport" (note the missing "'s" in the current SC) sentence. Wonder if it should be reworded to just "except where another conforming means of perfroming the function is available", removing the "minimums", which would open up the possibility that the alternative means is not a link/button, but some other conforming mechanism/way of doing things.


I may be missing something here, but would not any short link like this #60 fail this criteria?

Yes, these would be examples of failure. They do prove to be problematic for users. Some user agents may provide UI enhancements (particularly on mobile) that help to minimise this. a UA may for instance artificially extend the "tappable" area of small controls - if a user taps somewhere that is not an actual target, a UA may check what the nearest target to that point is and, if it's within a certain threshold, pretend that the tap happened on the target. however, this is dependent on the UA, and cannot be relied upon.

And of course viewing a whole page in the browser would make the link microscopic.

If the page does not adapt correctly to small screen devices (i.e. does not set a mobile-friendly viewport, and is therefore shown in a scaled down desktop view), it will likely fail from the get-go. One of the sufficient techniques then for this would be to, at the very least, set a mobile-friendly viewport (ideally the "ideal viewport", i.e. width=device-width).

How about some language that restricts this to user controls other than text links, except where those links are functioning in another role (i.e., as a substitution for a button or menu item).

I would be not be too thrilled if we started to exclude things that are, in fact, actual problems for users. Techniques to avoid the problem do exist, and can be implemented in most cases with no adverse effect on visual layout

@awkawk (slightly reordering/regrouping your bullet list)

It seems like the issues we have outstanding right now are:

  • Controls which don't meet the width or height (e.g. a-z tall vertical control in iOS contacts).
  • Need to account for non-conforming controls that are not the only way to accomplish a task

Should be taken care of if we add the exemption for alternative mechanisms.

  • Text links that are short in character length and may not meet the requirement
  • Text links that are smaller in height than the requirement
  • I wonder whether a target that is short in one dimension but large in the other might be ok.

These are actual problems for users (regardless of how common they may be, and regardless of what heuristics UAs may include to minimise their problem), so I'd say they should fail the SC.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

Having said all the above, one potential fallback position I could just about live with would be to specify that, for coarse inputs, at least one of the dimensions (width or height) satisfies the minimum of 48px, and that none of the dimensions fall below 24px, if the control/link is not (and this is where my wording capabilities fail me) "critical"/"primary"/"essential" ? It will still be problematic for certain users to accurately hit those targets (without doing other things such as zooming in, or relying on potential UA accommodation), but it will be an inconvenience rather than something that stops them from performing the primary function/task. The difficulty here would be to define this in such a way as not to provide too many loopholes that lets authors claim they don't need to bother...

awkawk commented 7 years ago

I'm worried about the inline links. There are valid use-cases for short links (foot/end notes comes to mind first) and even very short and clear links (e.g. "Help") may run afoul of the horizontal size requirement (and almost certainly will have a problem with the vertical size requirement). Are there other common use cases for short links?

If we are requiring the ability to resize text with reflow (yes, I know that this is a problem for mobile browsers today) would this have any impact on our thinking for text links? Is the supported population of users the same for both the text resizing and the target size SC? I can imagine that a user with hand tremors would benefit from larger targets even if they are comfortable reading small text, but I also know that if we are saying that links need to be 48x48 (or 48x24) that we are saying in most cases that the default text size needs to be larger than people use now, which makes this SC blur into the other.

awkawk commented 7 years ago

sendbutton For reference, on my iOS phone (6s) the dialog that comes up often has buttons that are 51pxx44px, which meets apple's standard for the height and exceeds it for the width.

I think that given that Apple and Microsoft have 44 as the basis for their guidance and Android uses 48 we should be going with 44 as the implemented reality for WCAG 2.1.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

I can imagine that a user with hand tremors would benefit from larger targets even if they are comfortable reading small text, but I also know that if we are saying that links need to be 48x48 (or 48x24) that we are saying in most cases that the default text size needs to be larger than people use now, which makes this SC blur into the other

no. this is not about the text size, but about the area that responds to a click/tap. this area may be transparent/invisible, and indeed if you look at the guidance documents from Apple/Google/Microsoft, this is clarified. see also my very rough example here http://codepen.io/patrickhlauke/pen/aBNREe (where, for illustrative purposes, i've made the actionable area green...but in real deployment it would be see-through)

in short no, i think the users affected by this are distinct from users that would require larger text/reflow. and if we accepted that zoom/reflow is an acceptable way to satisfy this, then authors would have an immediate get-out-of-jail card here to do nothing, simply relying on the fact that "if the control's too small, just zoom in..."

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

I think that given that Apple and Microsoft have 44 as the basis for their guidance and Android uses 48 we should be going with 44 as the implemented reality for WCAG 2.1.

personally, i'd be happy to drop the requirement to 44 x 44 (for coarse) / 22 x 22 (for fine).

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

I'm worried about the inline links. There are valid use-cases for short links (foot/end notes comes to mind first) and even very short and clear links (e.g. "Help") may run afoul of the horizontal size requirement (and almost certainly will have a problem with the vertical size requirement). Are there other common use cases for short links?

also, this SC wouldn't forbid short links. it would simply require that if short links are used, their actual tappable/clickable area is extended to make them more easily actionable (again, see my example above for a rough idea). the only problem with that as a proposed technique comes when there's a high density of links (lots of links close together), where extending the tappable/clickable area would result in overlaps. but again, this would be an actual problem for users, so i don't think it warrants an exemption. it may be more technically challenging to implement - and go more towards "softer" advice of, basically, not sprinkling lots of inline links close together.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

i'd also note that it's not straightforward to write some form of exception for "links", unless we want to be way more specific. what about a 5px x 5px image wrapped in a link...would that then count as a "link" that can be exempted? what if that "link" is in fact a crucial trigger for some functionality? etc

awkawk commented 7 years ago

no. this is not about the text size, but about the area that responds to a click/tap. this area may be transparent/invisible, and indeed if you look at the guidance documents from Apple/Google/Microsoft, this is clarified. see also my very rough example here http://codepen.io/patrickhlauke/pen/aBNREe (where, for illustrative purposes, i've made the actionable area green...but in real deployment it would be see-through)

Sure, and that could be a user agent or assistive technology setting also (and if it was then authors would need to do less). But what happens when the links are close together? In your example I can adjust my window and make the green areas overlap, and that might trigger a failure since only one of the links has the large target area then.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

But what happens when the links are close together?

then the content fails this SC. don't think we can rely on user agents having built-in functionality to disambiguate taps. And even if mobile user agents sometimes provide this, there isn't an equivalent that i'm aware of for mouse users (who are also covered by this, since they may have the same difficulty in precisely targetting controls/links)

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

Thinking here about techniques that can be suggested: if we provide an exemption for controls/links that are too small, provided that alternative methods of achieving the same thing are available, one way around the "small inline links densely packed" problem would be to offer an alternative listing of those links, more widely spaced (like a generously-enough vertically spaced bullet list) after the main content?

goetsu commented 7 years ago

regarding inline links and short text in button or link I keep thinking it must be removed from the scope of this SC, there is no discrimination in case of inline link/button with short text because they are short by nature and not by intent of the author We have same exception for links that are not clear enough for anyone, wcag doesn't require to make them clear @patrickhlauke the issue with your demo is if you have a fix layout you can end up with two links in different lines with extra spacing from one hover the other cf capture capture d ecran 2017-02-03 a 17 24 20

awkawk commented 7 years ago

then the content fails this SC.

I think that will be a problem as it would cause problems for content management systems where all content is written separately from the WYSIWYG view. I don't think that people would find it reasonable that links can never be on adjacent lines.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

@goetsu @awk i'm struggling to see how we can open the door to allow these sorts of things to be exempt, without accidentally making the whole point of the SC moot. because essentially there's a danger of saying "make sure your links and controls are at least X size, otherwise users can't confidently interact with them...oh, unless you have lots of those links/controls next to each other, in which case it's fine..."

note that there are other related things that can be done...increasing line-height will help, and potential alternatives that list links, as mentioned before.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

unless, for single A at least, we try to focus the applicability of this to just (to pick from the current proposed description):

but those would need some further clarifications/definitions so as not to allow too many loopholes

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago


@patrickhlauke the issue with your demo is if you have a fix layout you can end up with two link in different line with extra spacing on hover the other cf capture

to clarify, yes my example would fail this SC for that as well. as an author, i'd have to look for further alternatives to satisfy these situations. it was only a proof of concept for the idea of extending tappable/clickable area without impacting design, not a technique to illustrate a definitive pass specifically.

goetsu commented 7 years ago

simply exclude " links within a paragraph or other block of text" as it's done on https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-TECHS/F73.html for example

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

simply exclude " links within a paragraph or other block of text"

and what if it's not a link, but a <button>? or a graphical link of a tiny icon?

and fundamentally, those links within a paragraph do constitute a problem. exempting them does not remove the actual problem to the user which the SC is trying to address?

goetsu commented 7 years ago

and what if it's not a link, but a

textual links or buttons within a paragraph or other block of text

or a graphical link of a tiny icon?

as I already say if textual links or buttons within a paragraph or other block of text is by nature tiny there is no discrimination. It's an usability for everyone and we must use exception as in 2.4.4 (ambiguous for every user exception)

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

i think i'd be far more inclined to limit the applicability of the SC based on a link/control's purpose and importance, rather than based on whether or not they're part of a block of text or similar - i.e. something along the lines of what i proposed above https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/60#issuecomment-277295964 (but perhaps with some tweaks)

and to clarify: in that case, if you're using inline links in a paragraph as the only means to trigger essential functionality in your page, then yes you as an author are doing it wrong and your page fails...no "but it's part of a block of text" to save you there

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

as I already say if textual links or buttons within a paragraph or other block of text is by nature tiny there is no discrimination.

not if they're small but still operable for somebody without tremors, using a head-wand to activate a touchscreen, or similar.

goetsu commented 7 years ago

not if they're small but still operable for somebody without tremors, using a head-wand to activate a touchscreen, or similar.

that's why anyway you have to test with real users to conform to WCAG

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

that's why anyway you have to test with real users to conform to WCAG

that's orthogonal to the discussion here. doing a WCAG audit does not require me as an auditor to run real user testing, no?

goetsu commented 7 years ago

it depend you at least have to check support in AT "The way that the Web content technology is used must be supported by users' assistive technology (AT). This means that the way that the technology is used has been tested for interoperability with users' assistive technology in the human language(s) of the content,"

and AT def include : "alternative pointing devices, which are used by people with certain physical disabilities to simulate mouse pointing and button activations."

So back to this SC if user of a "classic" mouse with tremor can't click the link it's (sadly in my opinion but that's another question) no in the scope of WCAG conformance but if this user use a switch access for example it's in the scope and you must check that it work (with real user or by yourself as you want)

jnurthen commented 7 years ago

I want to give a real-world example to frame this discussion.

Here is a Football (Soccer) league table from the BBC's web site. Currently each team name in the table is a link of 16px with 8px padding above and below. This could result in a height of 32px for a touch target. In this scenario I can see 19 of the 20 teams fully - and if I were to scroll so the header of the table were not visible I could see all 20 teams.

screenshot of league table on an iphone 6 display, showing 19 of the 20 teams

In this next screen I increased the padding to 14px on each side, which results in a height of 44px. Here I can see 14 of the 20 teams

screenshot of league table on an iphone6 display, showing 14 of the 20 teams

The last one has 16px padding, resulting in a 48px height. Now I can see 13 of the 20 teams.

screenshot of league table on an iphone6 display, showing 13 of the 20 teams

Now - if a minimum touch size was introduced for this content, and I wanted to comply with it my solution would be to remove the links to the teams rather than increasing the size - as there are many other ways to get to the same content which can be found when clicking on the link - but I argue that this would decrease the usability of the site. If we do require 44 or 48 px touch target sizes we need to find a way to allow content such as this.

awkawk commented 7 years ago

It all comes down to James's football leagues! :)

One thought that might be too specific to this example is that if the entire row was the link and we allowed for 44x22 (or 48x24) then the first one would work.

It wold be good to hear from users about this type of situation. Similarly, I wonder if apple has received complaints about the a-z vertical slider?

awkawk commented 7 years ago

By the way, the way I was proposing to handle the exceptions where a task could be accomplished in another way was with this line:

"All functionality of the content is operable through targets which are sufficiently large."

In essence, all functionality needs to be operable through large-enough targets, but not ONLY through large-enough targets.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

The last one has 16px padding, resulting in a 48px height. Now I can see 13 of the 20 teams.

and to me, that example would be the most small-screen / coarse pointer input friendly one of the bunch, yes. (and incidentally, it looks very similar to scrolling listviews in native iOS apps, if you make the whole row clickable/tappable as @awkawk mentions).

if your argument is that making sure users can confidently tap/activate a control with these minimum sizes reduces the number of possible items on the screen, then of course, yes. density/number of actionable targets on screen is of course inversely proportional to the minimum target size. if authors do want high information density, then that's fine...but high density of small, actionable targets will cause problems that we're trying to avoid with this SC?

taking your first example, I would have some difficulty in unambiguously tapping only the link i wanted (e.g. when trying to use the phone with only one hand). a user with mobility impairment / tremors / etc would likely find it very difficult without zooming into the page. (and if the additional point here is "if we do this, even the BBC would have to modify their layout", then i'd say yes, they're arguably breaking their own advice here)

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

By the way, the way I was proposing to handle the exceptions where a task could be accomplished in another way was with this line:

"All functionality of the content is operable through targets which are sufficiently large."

In essence, all functionality needs to be operable through large-enough targets, but not ONLY through large-enough targets.

If the last part can be added/expanded upon in the understanding section, I'd be all for that addition

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

In this scenario I can see 19 of the 20 teams fully - and if I were to scroll so the header of the table were not visible I could see all 20 teams.

worth noting as well that while this is true on what i'm assuming to be an iPhone 5 or 6 (?), it depends on the aspect ratio of the device's screen. so it's not a case that we'd be asking authors to break this delicately constructed layout whose purpose was explicitly to show the whole table in the viewport, as that is even today not true for all mobile devices.


mbgower commented 7 years ago

i think the users affected by this are distinct from users that would require larger text/reflow. and if we accepted that zoom/reflow is an acceptable way to satisfy this, then authors would have an immediate get-out-of-jail card here to do nothing, simply relying on the fact that "if the control's too small, just zoom in..."

This statement, and this SC overall, has been nagging at me. Having given it a lot of thought, I’ve reached some issues that I would like to get addressed/discussed.

  1. Specifying minimum target size may not be necessary, and contradicts precedent in other areas, namely text size.
  2. The SC is biased to mobile, and can result in issues when implementing on desktop.
  3. We have other proposed SCs which can allow a user to modify target size to their needs. In what way are they insufficient, and to what degree is that an author responsibility?
  4. We still need clarity on when an author needs to provide a mechanism, and when it is sufficient to properly author content and allow the user agent or AT to provide the mechanism.

Each of these statements is a big topic, so I'm going to split the argument down into 4 separate comments. If this is just too much for the thread, and you want me to take them offline, just let me know and I'll remove them.

mbgower commented 7 years ago

1: Is specifying Target Size necessary?

I’d like to look at the parallel consideration for text size. WCAG 2.0 does not prescribe a minimum size for text. Instead, WCAG focuses on allowing a user to adjust the text size to improve the accessibility, regardless of its starting size. In what way is target size different? There’s plenty of design material on what should constitute the minimum text size for a website. Such usability practices provide a rough baseline for text size; but there may be reasons an author opted for a larger or smaller text size. So in addition to several technical reasons which make it tough to be prescriptive, I think it was a good move to not impose a minimum text size on all web sites. Similarly, we see there are usability recommendations from Apple, Google and Microsoft for target size in native applications, which are pretty close to what are being proposed for minimum target size for accessibility. So what is gained in making those usability recommendations prescriptive?

mbgower commented 7 years ago

Issue 2: Mobile

I mentioned vendor guidelines for target size. An important point is that these seem to be about native application design, not the display of web content on a mobile device. When we apply software authoring guidelines to the more malleable web environment, we run into issues. Yes, authors may design controls for a site, but the content that resides in the main region may include links whose position and size authors cannot control/anticipate, given the malleable presentation of web content, especially on the desktop. And what about resolution on different devices? I have a 23-inch touch monitor at home. At the default resolution on this monitor which my kids use, pretty much any web page I open fully expanded is going to be tough to select with my finger, whether or not it fails the proposed minimum target size for text links on the screen.

mbgower commented 7 years ago

Issue 3: why can’t requirements from other candidate SCs be used to improve the target size?

78 Ability to Override (text styling) provides a requirement that authoring not prevent the user from increasing the line height, letter spacing or word spacing, all of which would allow a user to increase the target size of links. This solution seems very similar to the alterations suggested for the football scores in order to achieve a larger target size.

With #77 Resize Content, we have a draft requirement that authoring practices support the ability for a user agent to zoom to 400% without horizontal scrolling. I agree not all users would see that as optimal, but it certainly provides a means to increase the target size for all controls. Note that pinch to zoom does not meet Resize Content without horizontal "scrolling." (Even if the little grey scroll regions don't necessarily appear, pinch to zoom is still just magnifying, not reflowing content to viewport.)

Neither of these SCs suggest an author does nothing ('get out of jail free'). Content creators need to properly author to ensure the user agent or another mechanism can provide the resize content or restyle text without failing specific criteria.

mbgower commented 7 years ago

Issue 4: Clarity on author mechanisms

Why are we suggesting author-supplied mechanisms are required here (such as Patrick’s CSS demo) when with Resize Content we seem amenable to giving a pass on the requirement when the user agent doesn’t supply the mechanism, as on a mobile browser? I’m not arguing either way here, but suggesting that we should be consistent: either it’s fine that the author just authors properly and lets the user agent be the mechanism where it is available, or else the author has a responsibility to offer content resize and target size minimum regardless of the mechanisms available from the user agent. I’m aware I’m making this a binary argument and some middle ground is achievable; I’m just trying to get clarity.

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

Picking up on some of the bits here:

Specifying minimum target size may not be necessary, and contradicts precedent in other areas, namely text size.

However, a similar precedent I'd say are 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) and 1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced). Why does WCAG 2.0 prescribe color contrasts, when users agents allow users to remap colors/define their own custom stylesheets?

I mentioned vendor guidelines for target size. An important point is that these seem to be about native application design, not the display of web content on a mobile device.

Even for native, platforms do provide built-in zoom functionality (to blow up the whole screen and pan around the viewport). So in a way, even native apps wouldn't really need any specified minimum target sizes...

Is defining minimum activation target size skirting the line between usability and accessibility? Perhaps. I'd still argue that users with mobility impairments or tremors are disproportionately more disadvantaged than users without those issues. But sure, if they zoomed into the content/screen/viewport/page sufficiently, they could overcome those issues.

And what about resolution on different devices? I have a 23-inch touch monitor at home. At the default resolution on this monitor which my kids use, pretty much any web page I open fully expanded is going to be tough to select with my finger, whether or not it fails the proposed minimum target size for text links on the screen.

I have a 23 inch monitor (not touch, sadly, but I do have smaller-sized touch-enabled laptops) running at 1920x1080. A 44px x 44px (and even a 44px x 22px) region is just about a comfortable size for me to activate with a finger unambiguously. Of course, since authors are not directly in control of the actual physical size their CSS is rendered at (and no way to query the actual physical size of the display), any measurement given will rely on devices having a "sane" default and for the user to have set their resolution (if under their control) to a comfortable setting (i.e. not running a 23" monitor at full 4k or similar). For mobile/tablet devices, the "ideal viewport" part of this SC takes care of this (provided mobile device/OS manufacturers use a "sane" ideal viewport, e.g. in most cases 320 CSS px width in portrait on a mobile, regardless of actual physical size of the screen / hardware pixel density).

Also worth reiterating that this is not purely about touch, but covers mouse as well.

Having said all that, if we truly don't think it's a problem because users that find controls too small should be able to zoom, then I guess yes, this SC would be unnecessary (but then I'd query why 1.4.3 and 1.4.6 in current WCAG 2.0 are there...)

mbgower commented 7 years ago

if we truly don't think it's a problem because users that find controls too small should be able to zoom

I think resizing content is one possible method to increase target size; however, as mentioned, i don't think pinch to zoom meets the Resize Content criteria as proposed -- having to pan the viewport is a form of 2-dimensional scrolling. My other concern about pinch to zoom it that it relies on a fine motor control affordance (pinch) to overcome another fine motor control challenge (target size). That seems problematic.

Let me be clear that I think it is beneficial to allow users to increase target size of any controls. I just see issues arising from how we're trying to bring that about. Would things become clearer if we tried to distinguish between text-only links and from other forms of controls?

I'd query why 1.4.3 and 1.4.6 in current WCAG 2.0 are there...

I can think of a few reasons 1.4.3 is different:

patrickhlauke commented 7 years ago

Almost feels like (based on recent discussions) that 1.4.3 / 1.4.6's language should, instead of mandating a particular ratio, have something along the lines of "authors should not PREVENT users from having text at a certain contrast ratio", and specifically call out the fact that images of text can't be easily modified by a user (using high contrast mode, user styles, or similar)...

In any case, if it's felt that this particular SC here is more of a usability, rather than an accessibility, concern (provided pages don't attempt to block users from resizing/zooming), then I'd say defer to Silver for potential inclusion as a best practice/usability technique, rather than a hard pass/fail for accessibility in WCAG 2.1. (/cc @kwahlbin suggest MATF discussion on this)

kwahlbin commented 7 years ago

The MATF is fine with having 44 x 44px requirement with exception for inline link, button or control. If inline link, button or control performs essential functionality or is the only way to perform an action then one dimension is 44px and the other is at least 22px.
Note: the 48x48px came from the research quoted in the Evidence section.

DavidMacDonald commented 7 years ago

Suggested rewording given MATF consensus above:

Except for inline interactive elements in blocks of text, the size of each target in relation to the visible display at the default viewport size is at least:

Inline interactive controls in blocks of text have no size requirements unless they perform essential functionality, or are the only way to perform an action. Then one dimension is at least 44px and the other is at least 22px.

Essential: defined in WCAG 2