w3c / wcag21

Repository used during WCAG 2.1 development. New issues, Technique ideas, and comments should be filed at the WCAG repository at https://github.com/w3c/wcag.
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Technique Proposal - Question #951

Closed KerstinProbiesch closed 6 years ago

KerstinProbiesch commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

some time ago I delivered a proposal for a PDF technique for WCAG 2.0 (which of course could be also a technique for WCAG 2.1): https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/296.

What shall I do with the proposal? I could post it here again or there might possibilites for the admins to copy the issue?

(Because this issue is just a short question it can directly be closed after answering)



awkawk commented 6 years ago

@kerstinp We are moving back to the /wcag repository since it makes sense to have one repo for the different WCAG versions so that there is one place to log issues. I labeled that issue with the Techniques label so we will have it in mind.

One big issue with techniques is having a resource to start work on a technique. We will make the template available so anyone interested in offering specific language can do so.