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Create Clear Words guideline #21

Open WilcoFiers opened 1 year ago

WilcoFiers commented 1 year ago

Previous issues: w3c/silver#301, w3c/silver#403

Open questions

Finnberrys commented 11 months ago

I'm still processing my thoughts on this but somebody recently commented on a blog post I wrote about reading ages/levels to assess plain language. They found the notion of using age or school grade as a measure both offensive and inaccurate. I can see their point, though not sure what the alternative would be.

Offensive: For somebody who finds reading difficult, comparing their reading to that of a 9 year old is basically like saying that their disability makes them like a child. I'm a wheelchair user but I don't have the walking ability of a 2 year old. I'm an adult with a disability. It's different.

Inaccurate: As a former teacher, I would say that there is a huge difference between a 12 year old who is reading at an average level for their age, and an adult with reading difficulties. They are likely to have totally different vocabulary ranges and life experiences that would affect their comprehension. A 12 year old might be able to correctly say the words and read them in a way that gives meaning but they might not really understand what they are reading if the subject matter is not age appropriate. An adult with reading difficulties might struggle to decode the words and may lack fluency and speed but is may be able to connect what they read to real life experiences and therefore have better understanding. So using age or grade related assessments for adults may not be accurate.