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Research reference for Adequate Time and Text and Wording #97

Open rachaelbradley opened 2 weeks ago

rachaelbradley commented 2 weeks ago

For adequate time and legibility of information, it may be good to refer to research on dementia and the built environment as these things may carry over. I recommend looking at: Akagi, Tetsuya, and Kei Adachi. 2015. “Improving Environ¬mental Safety and Legibility for the Elderly with Dementia.” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 32(3): 181–98; Cipriani, Gabrielle, and Gemma Borin. 2015. “Understanding Dementia in the Sociocultural Context: A Review.” Internation¬al Journal of Social Psychiatry 61(2): 198–204.

Research submitted via public-agwg-comments email. Respond to email with update when reviewed.