w3c / web-advertising

Web Advertising BG - https://www.w3.org/community/web-adv/
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Shared goals? #75

Open wseltzer opened 4 years ago

wseltzer commented 4 years ago

I had proposed these goals in a draft howto document, but was encouraged to move them out for discussion.


Do we share this set of high-level goals?

jwrosewell commented 4 years ago

My preference would be to express goals in terms of outcomes for people, society, publishers, advertisers and access providers rather than in terms of specific proposals or changes technical standards.

Having a clear policy for the group, and W3C in general, will help in many ways. Could we discuss on the call next week?

lukwlodarczyk commented 4 years ago

In my opinion, there are three equal actors on the open web:

  1. users
  2. publishers
  3. advertisers

As much as I agree with the spirit of placing users in the first place I think it's important to strive for an equal value exchange for all the actors. My suggestion is to extend the list with the advertiser's goals, too:

Probably some of the publisher’s and advertising goals will be overlapping but keeping separation will be healthy as some goals could be against each other. For example: For advertisers, it could be important to keep advertising cost to be at some level and for publishers increasing cost for advertising on their inventory could be something important revenue wise.