w3c / web-annotation

Web Annotation Working Group repository, see README for links to specs
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label property should allow internationalized text #437

Open azaroth42 opened 6 years ago

azaroth42 commented 6 years ago

The label property, currently applied to Annotation Collection and Annotation Page, does not allow for internationalized content. For example, if I want to have a label for my Annotation Collection available in both English and French, then the client is unable to distinguish between the languages.

In JSON-LD 1.1, language maps with @set containers are introduced, allowing for a very developer-friendly serialization. The issue of text content without a language generating a new property has been resolved with the addition of the @none keyword. Given the importance of internationalization, this change should be considered for future specifications and potentially an erratum when the JSON-LD 1.1 spec makes it to full Technical Recommendation.

The proposed context entry would thus be:

"label": {
  "@id": "rdfs:label",
  "@container": ["@language", "@set"]