w3c / web-annotation

Web Annotation Working Group repository, see README for links to specs
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How to hint at previous versions of an annotation? #446

Open mk-pmb opened 2 years ago

mk-pmb commented 2 years ago

Our annotation application allows authors to edit their annotations later. We have one URL that always points to the latest version, and each version also has its own specific URL so they can be referenced in citations and comments. Readers should be able to discover that there are older or newer versions available. We thus need a way to associate the various versions with each other. Is there a preferred way?

The obviously least interoperable way would be to create our own Anno Extension. Just mentioning it for completeness.

Better would be to reuse one of the vocabularies defined in the Anno-Vocab JSON-LD Context.

Possible candidates that I found:

dc/dcterms/dctypes: Dublin Core

Possible problems:

iana: Link relations

skos: Simple Knowledge Organization System

These sound valid solutions but are less specific than dcterms:*.


Treora commented 2 years ago

Great list of candidates. I did not know about or look at every candidate you mention, but some thoughts, hopefully of any help:

mk-pmb commented 3 months ago

A little update: Our current draft implementation is: