w3c / web-share

Web API proposal for sharing data from a web page
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Feature request: Send geo intents to native devices for selecting navigation apps #280

Open leolux opened 12 months ago

leolux commented 12 months ago

Is it possible to to extend the current web share API by a new feature: Send intents to Android devices for the use case: The user wants to travel to a destination by click on some "start navigation" button and then the web application lets the user decied choose from all naviagtion apps installed on the device, for example Google Maps and Waze.

Checkout this example how it works already: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32437494/is-there-a-way-to-intent-all-navigation-apps-in-phone

Where to suggest a new web intent api that can send geo intents?

marcoscaceres commented 8 months ago

Right, this isn't really a "share", unless we were to share location objects (GeolocationPosition)... it's more of a navigation.

Note that in the Android example they navigate to a geo URL.... one probably wouldn't do that on the web (as minting new URLs is not great), but still.