w3c / webappsec-clear-site-data

WebAppSec Clear Site Data
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web preferences api #83

Open bkardell opened 2 months ago

bkardell commented 2 months ago

The CSSWG just resolved on adding a means for sites to override certain preference values and persistently store them. In the meeting it was discussed that this was site data, but it seems a little new and we should probably figure out how it fits into things like this, so I'm opening the issue and connecting it..


My sense is that storage or * can clear it, but perhaps there is an argument it should be something different ('preferences' was suggested as a possibility by @lukewarlow) given that it can probably be stored very efficiently.

annevk commented 2 months ago

They resolved on adding a proposal. Having that proposal seems important to evaluate what would be good.

bkardell commented 2 months ago

absolutely, just linking it in/connecting it as they seem related.