w3c / webappsec

Web Application Security Working Group repo
601 stars 148 forks source link

Planning 2023-07-19. #626

Closed mikewest closed 1 year ago

mikewest commented 1 year ago

TPAC will be a topic. Other than that, up to y'all!

ShivanKaul commented 1 year ago

Hi! I'd like to talk about a new HTTP response header we're proposing and see if folks are interested. The current spec lives at https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-sahib-httpbis-off-the-record/

timcappalli commented 1 year ago

I'd like to talk about the "Passkey Endpoints Well-Known URL" proposed work item. Explainer here: https://github.com/ms-id-standards/MSIdentityStandardsExplainers/blob/main/PasskeyEndpointsWellKnownUrl/explainer.md

mikewest commented 1 year ago

These both sound like reasonable things to discuss to me. I'll poke folks at Google who might be interested in attending for one or the other topic.