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Web Application Security Working Group repo
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Move OTR to Privacy Working Group #645

Closed plehegar closed 4 months ago

plehegar commented 4 months ago

From AC Review: [[ The new "Off-The-Record Response Header Field" (OTR) deliverable focuses on addressing Privacy use-cases and as such it should instead be added as an OPTIONAL deliverable for the Privacy Working Group charter to take up if/when it has shown sufficient incubation. We believe it is an error (in scope, choice of most appropriate Working Group to to do the work) to add OTR to the list of deliverables for the Web Application Security Working Group charter. We could live with OTR being taken up for consideration by the Privacy CG.

We recommend the following actions, which do not require synchronization:

We are objecting (suggesting changes) but are not making this a Formal Objection because we believe this to be a W3C Team clerical error (putting a new deliverable in the wrong Working Group) that the Team is empowered to fix without having to exercise the full Formal Objection process and mechanisms. ]]

cc https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/426

plehegar commented 4 months ago

cc @ShivanKaul

mikewest commented 4 months ago

The PrivacyWG didn't exist at the time we proposed the charter, and (so far as I know?) continues not to exist. :)

If the PrivacyWG is going to exist in the somewhat-near future, I agree that it's reasonable to shift OTR to that scope.

plehegar commented 4 months ago

That question was asked back in Sep and I asked PING about it. The conclusion was that it was fine to leave in the WebAppSec charter. That's why it did not come up during the PING review of the webappsec charter. So, not a clerical error...

plehegar commented 4 months ago

( @ShivanKaul is fine with having it in the Privacy WG charter. )

plehegar commented 4 months ago

and Privacy WG is also fine with taking it on.

ShivanKaul commented 4 months ago

Sorry was on PTO. Privacy WG sounds fine as a venue, though I'm a little confused by the objection given that Request OTR's goals are similar to Clear Site Data, which is an adopted item.

mikewest commented 4 months ago

(My feeling is that if a privacy WG had existed in 2015, we would have done clear-site-data there. :) )

plehegar commented 4 months ago

WebAppSec agreed to have this moved to the Privacy WG

plehegar commented 4 months ago

Btw, the charter change doesn't address which CG should incubate the specification. This is left to the CGs to figure it out. (and a WG charter cannot require a CG to do something anyway)