w3c / webappsec

Web Application Security Working Group repo
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Planning TPAC. #654

Open mikewest opened 3 weeks ago

mikewest commented 3 weeks ago

TPAC is coming! We should create an agenda for the two sessions we have (on 23.09.2024 and 26.09.2024). As we align on topics, we'll update this comment with the current agenda understanding. It would be ideal to propose and discuss topics below!



mikewest commented 3 weeks ago

We discussed things in https://github.com/w3c/webappsec/blob/main/meetings/2024/2024-07-17-minutes.md#tpac; the following topics were proposed:

From @johnwilander:

From @twiss:

And @punkeel suggested discussing Device Bound Session Credentials (which has also proposed a breakout).

More ideas ever so welcome!

estark37 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Mike! There have been a few topics circulating that might be interesting for WebAppSec as future areas of work:

Also, @camillelamy is OOO but she will be at TPAC and I assume some time to talk about Document Isolation Policy would be appreciated. Also we could maybe do an update on Private Network Access, if that's of interest?

Frosne commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, Adding to the suggestions from @twiss, we can discuss PQ algorithms, as well as better/more corner cases tests.

johannhof commented 3 weeks ago

@aamuley and @dcthetall have made some progress on https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/issues/664 that they'd like to share out, so I'd like to reserve some time for that @mikewest :)

yoavweiss commented 3 days ago

Hey folks!

I'd love to chat about a few different topics:

In terms of timeslots, I have a bit of a conflict 😨 I can hop over on either Monday or Thursday at 10:30 for 30 minutes, or potentially Thursday at 12:00. Let me know if any of that works!

DCtheTall commented 3 days ago

Hey WebAppSec folks,

One topic I would like to discuss at TPAC is our work to Standardize Security Semantics of Cross-Site Cookies.


weizman commented 3 days ago

I would love to get a chance to talk about the RIC proposal we're working on (incubated by WICG cc @yoavweiss), which focuses on granting web apps control over same origin realms within its execution environment to harden its integrity at runtime (I can only do Thursday, if that's interesting and works)

ddworken commented 3 days ago

One other topic that could be interesting to discuss is future improvements to COOP. Previously, COOP restrict-properties had been the answer here, but that effort has now been replaced by Document Isolation Policy. In the long term, there could be value in continuing to invest in alternative COOP-like policies to enable sites to more flexibly defend against XS-Leaks.