w3c / webappswg

Web Applications Working Group
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Clipboard spec is failing to publish #31

Closed marcoscaceres closed 4 years ago

marcoscaceres commented 4 years ago

Getting following error:

✗ Echidna failed to publish undefined
 for the following reasons:

   The file has been retrieved.
   The metadata have been extracted.
   The document failed Specberus.
 👎 Error code “latest-is-not-previous”.
     ⮡ cf https://www.w3.org/pubrules/doc/rules/?profile=WD#docIDFormat

More details are available here:


If you think you found a bug, please fill in and submit this issue:


~ 3/26/2020, 3:04:11 AM

Echidna 1.14.9 (Specberus 4.1.6)
Copyright © 2014–2018 W3C — https://www.w3.org/
marcoscaceres commented 4 years ago

@siusin, any chance you could look into this?

siusin commented 4 years ago

Bikeshed has been ported to Python 3, so the builds will fail until we fix the script. I'll go through all the repos of the WebApps WG tomorrow to update the setting.

marcoscaceres commented 4 years ago

Thanks @siusin! really appreciate your help!

siusin commented 4 years ago

Thanks @marcoscaceres ! I've submitted a few PRs to fix the problem.

According to Dom's report, the CI config of the follow WICG repos also need to be updated. Do you have the write access to do so? Let us know if any help is needed. "WICG/background-fetch" "WICG/client-hints-infrastructure" "WICG/element-timing" "WICG/permissions-request" "WICG/portals" "WICG/priority-hints" "WICG/purification" "WICG/ResizeObserver" "WICG/shape-detection-api" "WICG/speech-api" "WICG/ua-client-hints" "WICG/webpackage"

marcoscaceres commented 4 years ago

Awesome! thank you for the speedy turnaround!