w3c / webauthn

Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials
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undefined terms and terms we really ought to define #462

Open equalsJeffH opened 7 years ago

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

The below terms are formally undefined and we should consider defining them (and linking their occurrences to their dfn. Be sure to see also issue #358 -- there is overlap between this issue and that one.

Add to, or remove from, this list by updating this original post (OP):

client-side // see also issue #80

- [ ] cross-platform transport protocols

- [ ] extension data

- [ ] first-factor
  - [x] as in "first-factor authenticator" aka one that is actually multi-factor because it is user verification-capable (1st factor, something you are), and wields the private key (2nd factor, a secret you possess).
  - [ ] also may want to clarify/define/use terms such as "multi-factor authn", "first multi-factor", etc.

- [x] identifier of the credential

supported by this implementation

- [ ] LDH Labels (perhaps just make that single-occurrance term a link to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5890#section-2.3.1)

- [ ] local configuration knowledge


   Android "N" or later platform
                Android platforms

currently available on this platform supported by this client " user agent and/or " as defined by the " overridden by the "

           the client's   "
             the client   "
             the client   "       components

                 user's platform device

                    the platform  makes
                    The   "       is requested

                 Client platforms

- [x] scope, as in:
  - [x] - Public key credential's scope
  - [x] - strong, attested, scoped, public key-based credentials

- [ ] SCRIPT:
see also issue #80 

Relying Party script

- [ ] signature
- define as "digital signature" ?

- [ ] signature counter

- [ ] supported extensions

- [ ] trust path

- [ ] user/account
  - [ ] user
  - [ ] user account
  - [ ] user's account
  - [ ] user's account identifier
  - [ ] user account entity
  - [ ] user account's  PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity.
  - [ ] user identifier
  - [ ] username

OS level user ID
equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to OP yesterday:


authenticator session

extension data

identifier of the credential

supported extensions

user account


webauthn operations

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

see also #79 #80 #358

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to the list in the OP:

attestation statement

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

removed from list in the OP:

attestation statement -- we do have a dfn (d'oh!): https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#attestation-statement

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to list in the OP:

(a credential)   bound to   an/this authenticator
                 managed by
                 stored on      

local configuration knowledge

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to list in the OP:

platform-specific API
equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to list in the OP:

cross-platform transport protocols

       Android "N" or later platform
                    Android platforms

                        the platform
             the underlying platform
              underlying OS platform

currently available on this platform
   supported by this client   "
          user agent and/or   "
          as defined by the   "
          overridden by the   "

               the client's   "
                 the client   "
                 the client   "       components

                     user's platform device

                        the platform  makes
                        The   "       is requested

                     Client platforms

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to list in the OP:


equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to list in the OP:

external authenticator (to be defined in conjunction with roaming authnr)

AngeloKai commented 7 years ago

As discussed on the call, the issue wouldn't change API names. Taking out the renaming flag.

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added "first factor" to OP

equalsJeffH commented 7 years ago

added to list in the OP:


cloned authenticator

authenticator protection measures

trust path

equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

user's account user's account identifier user account entity user account's PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity.

user handle

equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

owning authenticator

equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:


equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:


see also issue #833

equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

client            // note "webauthn client" is presently defined
                  // but "webauthn client device" or "webauthn client platform" are not,
                  // and are not presently used, but perhaps should be.

client device     // used a few time
client platform   // used much; see also entries for variations of "platform" below

WebAuthn client

equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

LDH Labels (perhaps just make that single-occurrance term a link to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5890#section-2.3.1)

equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

Relying Party script
equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

client-side resident credential    // presently undefined but should be as a short form for 
                                   // client-side resident credential private key, which is 
                                   // presently defined
            resident credential    // presently undefined, just a thought, tho dunno if we 
                                   // ought to promote its use
equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

updated in the OP:


equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:


equalsJeffH commented 6 years ago

added to list in the OP:

scope, as in:

emlun commented 6 years ago

Removed from OP:

- client
- client device
- client platform

- computing device
- user's computing device
- see also 'client device'

platform-specific  // i.e., the term itself
platform-specific API


                        the platform
             the underlying platform
              underlying OS platform
equalsJeffH commented 5 years ago

added to OP: authenticator characteristics

emlun commented 5 years ago

Ticked items:

equalsJeffH commented 5 years ago

added to OP: attestation trust model (presently we discuss "trust model" in terms of attestation types, but do not define the latter term)

equalsJeffH commented 5 years ago

Added to OP:

      U2F authenticator
CTAP1/U2F authenticator
emlun commented 5 years ago

Added to OP:

See #1162

equalsJeffH commented 5 years ago

updated the section on "Credential" to be:

equalsJeffH commented 5 years ago

added to OP:

equalsJeffH commented 5 years ago

Punting this onward to L2-WD-02....

emlun commented 4 years ago

Checked off:

  • [x] identifier of the credential
  • [x] assertion
emlun commented 4 years ago

Removed "blinding" from OP as the search term "blind" now produces 0 hits in the editor's draft.