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DCE proposals matrix #81

Open sashafirsov opened 4 months ago

sashafirsov commented 4 months ago

Declarative Custom Elements(DCE) has various POC and ideas on architecture and individual features.

Here is a list to be compared during demo day #80. The list meant to highlight the commonality/difference on each POC. As of now most of it is part of @epa-wg/custom-element implementation.


Support for


Data injection

Dynamic data manipulation and state change reflection

Sufficient set of functional components for simple app flows

events handling

reflect the event to state lead to UI re-render.

non-declarative syntax

EisenbergEffect commented 4 months ago

Things that may be missing:

sashafirsov commented 4 months ago

@EisenbergEffect , can you

sashafirsov commented 4 months ago
EisenbergEffect commented 4 months ago


I have attempted to take the features we have today in the imperative API for custom elements, things that have been discussed as W3C protocols (e.g. context), ongoing W3C standards efforts (e.g. DOM Parts), ongoing TC39 efforts (e.g. Signals), and make those the foundation of a declarative model for custom elements, while avoiding things that browser implementors said they won't/can't do. I am not trying to invent a bunch of new core features. There are gaps (template expression syntax), which I am trying to fill in. But on the whole, I'm mainly trying to figure out how we support our current imperative capabilities in a declarative fashion.

sashafirsov commented 4 months ago