w3c / webdriver-bidi

Bidirectional WebDriver protocol for browser automation
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Security details in network.ResponseData Type #699

Open viorelyo opened 2 months ago

viorelyo commented 2 months ago

Currently the security details about network connection is not exposed in the WebDriver BiDi Network module.

Is there any plan for adding security details or certificate details used for securing the network connection to the network module?

The question is inspired from the existing support in the CDP: Network.SecurityDetails

OrKoN commented 2 months ago

@viorelyo could you provide more details about the use case for Network.SecurityDetails and how do you currently consume it, directly via CDP or ChromeDriver/Puppeteer etc? Are you particularly interested into getting this information from different browsers? I imagine the server security details are not configured per browser.

viorelyo commented 2 months ago

At the moment, I consume the Network.Response events directly via CDP, in order to validate the configured certificate for TLS connection. The validation is performed only on chromium-based browsers, but I am interested to also extend the validation to Firefox. In the end it would be cool if the support will be available in selenium-webdriver, but that is another discussion.