w3c / webdriver-bidi

Bidirectional WebDriver protocol for browser automation
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Clarify `network.authRequired` handling when interception is not enabled #719

Open Lightning00Blade opened 1 month ago

Lightning00Blade commented 1 month ago

An example User journey:

  1. Open a new BrowsingContext.
  2. Navigate to a page that's behind Basic Auth
  3. Receive and network.authRequired for the navigation request with isBlocked: false.

For the next step, WebDriver BiDi does not define if the request's network.authRequired should be handled in any way. We can assume that means implementation-defined steps which is equal to ContinueWithAuthNoCredentials -> action: "default" (as this has not definition in the spec) and is one of the two probable options:

The problem is from anyone implementing this this may create a place of friction. For example Puppeteer (historically) expects that the request will fail with 401/407 .

There are three options that come to mind: