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Tab-specific sidePanel inconsistencies when opening new tabs/switching tabs #588

Open twschiller opened 7 months ago

twschiller commented 7 months ago


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Related Bugs/Other Issues

oliverdunk commented 7 months ago

Adding follow-up label to confirm Chrome's current implementation is the desired behavior (I think it is).

mukul-p commented 7 months ago

I observed similar behaviour with these two samples on Edge and Chrome https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samples/tree/main/functional-samples/cookbook.sidepanel-open https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samples/tree/main/functional-samples/cookbook.sidepanel-multiple

Oliver, please check if these are expected. Todd, can you respond on the Edge specific Github issue with more details (and a sample).

This issue is deemed to be Chromium specific, I am not sure what is expected from the other browser triages.

twschiller commented 7 months ago

Todd, can you respond on the Edge specific Github issue with more details (and a sample).

@mukul-p you'd like me to open an issue here: https://github.com/microsoft/MicrosoftEdge-Extensions/issues? Or respond on the discussion? https://github.com/microsoft/MicrosoftEdge-Extensions/discussions/144

In our extension, we use chrome.sidePanel.setOptions to set the tab-specific page (on browser action), and pass a tabId in a query parameter so the panel is aware of what tab it's associated with:

  path: `/sidebar.html?tabId=${tabId}`,

Our expectation/desired behavior is just that when our extension opens a tab-specific panel on a page, it's not automatically closed when the user opens a new tab/switches tabs.

As an aside, I suspect the MS Edge behavior might be the cause/correlated with a browser crash when clicking a target _blank link in a tab-specific panel: https://github.com/microsoft/MicrosoftEdge-Extensions/issues/145