w3c / webmediaporting

Web Media porting spec
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minimum requirements on devices being able to generate certain key events #17

Open mavgit opened 7 years ago

mavgit commented 7 years ago

From @jpiesing on March 7, 2017 16:3

Web video providers have found it necessary to specify minimum requirements that a device must be able to generate at least a minimum set of key events and the constant used to represent them.

A minimum set across all devices might be up / down / left / right / enter / back. For devices with a classical TV remote control there may be a longer list including play/pause/play-pause/ff/frew/stop and/or colour keys.

This issue is not about support for a particular API but about the requirements on the device to generate the constants from that API.

Should WAVE say something about this?

Copied from original issue: w3c/webmediaapi#50

mavgit commented 7 years ago

From @jpiesing on May 17, 2017 12:28

Here is a straw-man proposal for discussion;

Devices shall be able to generate at least the following events and shall pass them to web applications as defined by [UIEvents-Key] - up ("ArrowUp"), down ("ArrowDown"), left ("ArrowLeft"), right ("ArrowRight"), enter ("Enter"), back ("GoBack") Devices that permit the user to generate the following events (e.g. have by a button on a remote control) shall pass them to web applications as defined by [UIEvents-Key] - red ("ColorF0Red"), green ("ColorF1Green"), yellow ("ColorF2Yellow"), blue ("ColorF3Blue"), stop ("MediaStop"), play ("MediaPlay"), pause ("MediaPause"), play/pause ("MediaPlayPause"), fast forwards ("MediaFastForward"), rewind ("MediaRewind")