w3c / webpayments-ig

Web Payments Interest Group
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VCTF charter issues #44

Closed wseltzer closed 7 years ago

wseltzer commented 7 years ago

A few issues of varying size and scope:

Team contact % should be TBD

The broadly scoped problem statement and goals feel as though they belong in a whitepaper separate from the charter, similar to the way the Web of Things charter refactored to link a whitepaper. This would make clearer what you're asking people to commit, both in legal and vision terms, and what is being shared as context.

Milestones: 6months from FPWD to CR is probably more optimistic than @plehegar would like to see as Project management.

msporny commented 7 years ago

+cc @ianbjacobs @dprophet

Team contact % should be TBD


The broadly scoped problem statement and goals feel as though they belong in a whitepaper separate from the charter

Moved to "Charter Motivations" document and linked to from the proposed charter.

Milestones: 6months from FPWD to CR is probably more optimistic than @plehegar would like to see as Project management.

Changed FPWD to CR to 9 months.

I also added an "Introduction" section to replace the problem statement and goals section and linked to other relevant/supporting documentation. Also did some general cleanup of the text to make the new charter flow a bit better.

New charter can be viewed here:


Diff-marked copy is here:


W3M-specific landing page for next Wednesday's meeting is here:


I think that addresses all of the concerns that you raised. Let me know if you agree/disagree.

koalie commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

Hogging Wendy's issue with additional comments as I'm about to send the advance notice to the Members and public via public-new-work, and I just reviewed the draft charter.

Looking at the current group charter template, please :


msporny commented 7 years ago

Fixed in the current live document, @koalie. We didn't use the charter template you pointed to when putting this particular charter together. Would you prefer that we migrate the content in the current VC charter to the "current group charter template" you point to above? If so, when would you like us to do this?

The main reason that I ask is that it looks like the "Milestones" table has been removed from the new charter (for good reason), and we'd like to follow best practices for this charter as well. Given that the announcement has already gone out, do you want us to create a working draft at a different location and make these updates? Or is it okay to change the live document?

koalie commented 7 years ago

Thanks @msporny ! I'm happy. I'll defer to @wseltzer whether the milestones table stays in or goes out. Indeed, we have removed it from the template as it was not helpful --very few groups followed it.

msporny commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue as many of the requested fixes were made, and it's been overcome by events.