w3c / webpayments

The document repo for the Web Payments Working Group
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[Payment App] Should the payment app registration be for Browsers only or also for other types of User Agents #165

Closed LaurentCastillo closed 8 years ago

LaurentCastillo commented 8 years ago

Using things like javascript to handle invocation might limit the specification to Browser only.

cyberphone commented 8 years ago

@LaurentCastillo Indeed. I would assume that native apps which can be used in many different scenarios would rather be automatically discovered by the browser when using the Web in the same way as they must be automatically discoverable when used with NFC.

adrianhopebailie commented 8 years ago

The approach right now is to have a spec specifically for the browser (i.e. Payment App API).

Also, we are limiting ourselves to only specifying a Web-based integration (i.e. via Web technology) but that does not preclude platforms (like iOS, Android, Windows Phone etc) from providing a way to register apps through an alternative channel.

adrianhopebailie commented 8 years ago

The Payment Apps API spec is specifically for browsers therefor I am closing this issue and not migrating it to that repo.