w3c / webrtc-extensions

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Enabling opus discontinuous transmission(DTX) without SDP munging #120

Open bdrtc opened 1 year ago

bdrtc commented 1 year ago

Opus DTX(Discontinuous Transmission )is an extension of the Opus Audio codec, when enabled, it will encode silence at a lower bitrate by reducing the number of frames sent over the network. this optimisation reduces the audio bandwidth used when participants are not speaking, its useful in multi conference scenario which sfu need do selective audio routing, its disabled by default, and can only active this feature via SDP munging.

wonder whether it is possible to be in rtcrtpencodingparameters as an extension.

fippo commented 1 year ago

Note that he "SDP munging" is not the bad variant between createOffer/createAnswer and SLD as dtx is controlled by the remote description.

bdrtc commented 1 year ago

Note that he "SDP munging" is not the bad variant between createOffer/createAnswer and SLD as dtx is controlled by the remote description.

thanks reply, as far as I know, dtx is an encoder behavior. a call with SFU scenario may like this:

client A (audio sender)<-----> SFU<------> client B(audio decoder) client A exchange offer/answer with SFU, the sdp answer from SFU control dtx ability but not client B.

ortc seems add this to rtcrtpencodingparameters