Matching of RTCIceCandidates is used by operations that take one or more RTCIceCandidatePair dictionaries as inputs, validate the input, and instruct the ICE agent to perform some action on the respective candidate pairs (eg. setSelectedCandidatePair).
There are two options for match RTCIceCandidates:
An instance match
A comparison of the candidate, sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex, and usernameFragment attributes of RTCIceCandidate
Option 2 may be preferable since the RTCIceCandidate is JSON-stringifiable with those 4 attributes.
Matching of RTCIceCandidates is used by operations that take one or more RTCIceCandidatePair dictionaries as inputs, validate the input, and instruct the ICE agent to perform some action on the respective candidate pairs (eg. setSelectedCandidatePair).
There are two options for match RTCIceCandidates:
Option 2 may be preferable since the RTCIceCandidate is JSON-stringifiable with those 4 attributes.