Closed alvestrand closed 6 years ago
I'm guessing because you should be able to use this stuff without having an RTCPeerConnection. So if webrtc-ice were adopted, webrtc-pc would no longer need RTCPeerConnection.onicecandidate. Assuming they are the same.
@alvestrand Both the RTCPeerConnection
and RTCIceTransport
have an icecandidate
event type to provide an RTCIceCandidate
. For RTCPeerConnection
the RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
interface is used, along with EventHandler onicecandidate
. RTCIceTransport
has EventHandler onlocalcandidate
. However, the terminology section references WebRTC-PC's icecandidateerror
, RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
and RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent
So it appears that the only difference is the name of the EventHandler.
This seems to be exactly the same as the Peerconnection "icecandidate" event. Why does it have a new name in this specification?