w3c / webrtc-pc

WebRTC 1.0 API
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RTCPeerConnection lacks identity marker beyond current process #1775

Closed eladalon1983 closed 6 years ago

eladalon1983 commented 6 years ago

An object of RTCPeerConnection can be identified within a given process using a reference to it, or even decorated with an identity label. However, neither of these is meaningful if the object is to be referenced by another process, or even on a different machine. Attaching a label on the process itself in an ad-hoc manner would probably be less maintainable than adding an ID attribute to RTCPeerConnection in a standardized way, which would be unique within that process, but visible outside the process. It would be preferable to set the identity to be a string of a specific format, and chosen in such a way that name collisions with peer connections created elsewhere would be unlikely (though such collisions should not truly be problematic for a good implementation).