w3c / webrtc-stats

WebRTC Statistics
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Codec stats reveal hardware information which could be used for fingerprinting #674

Open henbos opened 2 years ago

henbos commented 2 years ago

This was previously discussed in #550.

The reason for creating a separate issue specifically for codec is that this information is already exposed in RTCRtpSender/RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities(kind).codecs. Therefore it is likely that getCapabilities and getStats codecs will and should be resolved the same way and at the same time.

henbos commented 2 years ago

Compare RTCCodecCapability with RTCCodecStats.

Also note that even without these two APIs, the codec information is in either way exposed the SDP (RTCPeerConnection.createOffer() and RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer()).

This makes this issue not just a stats issue, and we may consider moving it to webrtc-pc which is the source of all codec information.