w3c / websub

WebSub Spec in Social Web Working Group
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Test hubs/feeds? #39

Closed tonyg closed 7 years ago

tonyg commented 7 years ago

Are there any publicly-available resources for testing interop between hub and subscriber implementations?

Perhaps implementers could provide something offering limited-duration subscriptions to a simple time service that updates once every configurable numbers of seconds.

I'm building an implementation from the current spec and would very much like to see whether it works with others' implementations, and where any points of friction might be.

aaronpk commented 7 years ago

I'm working on some test tools for this, along the lines of https://webmention.rocks and https://micropub.rocks. Unfortunately they are not available yet.

There are some resources listed here but some of them are for PubSubHubbub 0.3 as well. I think this one might be your best bet for now, but haven't actually tested it myself yet.

aaronpk commented 7 years ago

Just following up, https://websub.rocks now has tools for implementations of publishers and subscribers! Tools for people building hubs are coming soon!