Open delapuente opened 7 years ago
I think @aadjou would be a great person to do a lightning talk on this!
Sure!, @Aadjou, are you attending? Are you interested in giving a lightning talk on this?
Yes, sounds great. Any requirements/recommendations?
Answer here with a one-sentence description of your talk and provide us with a link to your presentation when it is available. You could talk about a pipeline that's been successful for you; recommend best exporters; compare asset formats... The agenda is inspired by this other one:
Thank you very much!
Honestly, I don't have successful pipeline now. Previously I model/rigging/animated with Blender > export to three.js (json format) and import it. I made some test importing glTF2.0 files and the three.js importer works great. But I think is necessary to improve bone based animations too (because morph based I think is working ok). In resume, I think the successful pipeline should be Blender (or other 3D editors) > export to glTF2.0 > import to three.js/A-frame with morph/bones animations if is needed.
@arturitu which is why I think this topic matters. I was surprised to see how much manual touch-up is required with most of the assets you can download. Also, @Aadjou is the perfect person to kickstart that session. She set up our Blender infrastructure, wrote the Data3D plugin (that's our pre-glTF 3D format) and is on top of her game with Blender!
@Aadjou remember sending me a one-sentence description of the talk for the agenda.
@arturitu send a proposal too, please. Sure there are tons of things to talk about or doubts to resolve and some gentle introduction.
I did not forget. Did not find yhe time yet
Negotiating the obstacles of getting started with 3D for newcomers
Abstract This talks aims to identify obstacles of 3d design and implementation for developers, managers and other web people with only little knowledge about the 3D Stack and how we can teach how to overcome them.
@delapuente I think I can be more useful talking about progressive enhancement or WebAR/WebXr if is needed, because last months a bunch of new things appears on the glTF importers/exporters side and I didn't have time to researched a lot this area.
3D assets can be created by 3D scanning objects/creatures, with e.g.:
Free 3D assets for VR, AR, & 3D Printing can be found on many sites, e.g.:
How can you prepare such 'normal' 3D models (e.g. .stl and .obj files) for Web VR? Could someone please post a (link to a)'how to' article here? Would love to know.
Many thanks,
Identify the optimal pipelines for creating 3D assets, subsequent storage and publication on the Web. Recognize performance-harmful practices and pinpoint best practices.