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Progressive enhancement and user interaction applied to the variety of user input in WebVR #22

Open delapuente opened 6 years ago

delapuente commented 6 years ago

Classify the ways in which the audience can experience WebVR content depending on gear capabilities. Know how to adapt interactions in VR through the variety of input methods.

tbalouet commented 6 years ago

Would love to make a presentation on that subject. Which information would you need for me to apply?

delapuente commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much @tbalouet Since these are 5 minutes lightning talks, provide us with a one-sentence description of the topic and the link to the slides if you have it.

tbalouet commented 6 years ago

Design for every use, plan for the exception: how to create experiences that fit every devices and give your users the will to get more?

The plan is to explain how you can design your experiences for the widest range of public and still create powerful interactions through progressive enhancement.

I didn't start working on the slides, will do this week, what's your deadline? :)

delapuente commented 6 years ago

The deadline is before the presentation. We want it to not waste time between lightning talks and make the most of the plenary session. ;)

tbalouet commented 6 years ago

Seems pretty fair ;) Will send it to you before then. Please also let me know if other lightning talks are registered on this topic but not through this issue, so I can get in contact with other talkers and make sure not to overlap on the topics we'll speak of. Cheers.

jsantell commented 6 years ago

Lightning talk proposal: Polyfilling WebVR

A look at the state of responsive device support and the transition to WebVR 2.0 from the perspective of webvr-polyfill

nbabanov commented 6 years ago

@delapuente I would like to give a talk about progressively enhanced controller schemes and UX. I've recently worked on a prototype which used both GearVR remote and HTC Vive controllers. I'll be talking about UX consistency and how those two controllers are similar in a way.

Title: Progressively enhanced controller schemes for consistent UX Presentation: link

tbalouet commented 6 years ago

@nbabanov I'm interested by what points you're going to talk about, just to be sure not to overlap with my own talk. I think I might be more general and present global aspects of user interaction through progressive enhancement

nbabanov commented 6 years ago

@tbalouet I will link tomorrow my presentation and I'll be giving examples from the concept I was working on. :)

nbabanov commented 6 years ago

@delapuente Here's the link to the slides - link. The GIFs are not working on SlideShare, but I'll bring the pptx with me.

Utopiah commented 6 years ago

What about input mapping in A-Frame?

delapuente commented 6 years ago

We can continue talking about it during the rest of the session or the follow-up.

tbalouet commented 6 years ago

@Utopiah I'll talk about it quickly in my presentation

Here's a link to my slides. Might put it on A-Frame Slideshow tomorrow, will let you know!

jsantell commented 6 years ago

Slides for Polyfilling WebVR