w3c / webvr-content-workshop

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Present and future of WebVR #31

Open delapuente opened 7 years ago

delapuente commented 7 years ago

Explain the maturity of the standard; anticipate the impact of the new additions to the Web platform on WebVR experiences; identify the flaws of the standard and missing opportunities.

delapuente commented 7 years ago

@diekus I know you want to cover browser support... :)

Give me a one-sentence description, please!

SwiftPengu commented 6 years ago

@delapuente I can give a lightning talk about "Usage of WebRTC in combining communication with WebVR", however the 2nd part is an area where we are looking for answers as well. I can conclude my talk with a future outlook of problems?

delapuente commented 6 years ago

Sure @SwiftPengu , these can be discussed later.

delapuente commented 6 years ago

@SwiftPengu can you give me a link to the presentation, please?

SwiftPengu commented 6 years ago

(sent over Slack)