w3c / window-management

Window Management API
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Bikeshed artifacts in comments in examples #137

Closed rakuco closed 1 year ago

rakuco commented 1 year ago

https://w3c.github.io/window-management/#basic-example has something that looks like this in index.bs:

// Detect when the current `ScreenDetailed` or an attribute thereof changes.
screenDetails.addEventListener('currentscreenchange', onCurrentScreenChange);

The rendered version looks like this though:

// Detect when the current <code data-opaque bs-autolink-syntax='`ScreenDetailed`'>ScreenDetailed</code> or an attribute thereof changes.
screenDetails.addEventListener('currentscreenchange', onCurrentScreenChange);

This is the case for all JS comments including backquotes.

inexorabletash commented 1 year ago

PR up, thanks!