w3c / wot-binding-templates

Web of Things (WoT) Binding Templates
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SSE Default Method #330

Open egekorkan opened 7 months ago

egekorkan commented 7 months ago

In the HTTP Binding, we show that SSE happens via POST at https://w3c.github.io/wot-binding-templates/bindings/protocols/http/index.html#observe-property-http-binding-with-server-sent-event-subprotocol . Even though it is possible, common way is GET where many libraries even assume so (see https://medium.com/@david.richards.tech/sse-server-sent-events-using-a-post-request-without-eventsource-1c0bd6f14425). This means that htv:methodName is actually required with sse subprotocol but with a default value of GET.