w3c / wot-binding-templates

Web of Things (WoT) Binding Templates
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Protocol Binding for OPC-UA #42

Open mmccool opened 6 years ago

mmccool commented 6 years ago

Is OPC-UA protocol-bindable (i.e. does it satisfy the WoT requirements)? Can we get it done this year or is it too much to bite off for now?

KodiVR commented 6 years ago

I would love to get it done this year

mkovatsc commented 6 years ago

Nice that we have a groupie bot to keep this alive!

Anyhow, we are working on this and should have some results around TPAC 2018.

egekorkan commented 5 years ago

We can include this, is there any example TD for this?

cah-sachin commented 4 years ago

Is there any progress on this PR ?

egekorkan commented 4 years ago

There is mention of this in the new WG charter which can be seen at : https://cdn.statically.io/gh/w3c/wot/master/charters/wot-wg-charter-draft-2019.html?env=dev

cah-sachin commented 4 years ago

@egekorkan I would like to contribute on opc-ua protocol binding. How to start on it ? any reference people ?

egekorkan commented 4 years ago

@cah-sachin You can contribute by defining how different operation types (see bindings document and Table 1 in architecture document) map to concrete OPC-UA protocol methods/functions. E.g. observerproperty operation maps to a subscription in MQTT. There is a Pull Request in node-wot (a Scripting API implementation) where you can already be inspired!

For a pull request to be accepted, you will need to be a member of W3C due to IPR policy. However, I am not sure whether you need to be part of the working group or not.

egekorkan commented 4 years ago

a binding for node-wot is written and is publicly available here