w3c / wot-cg

Web of Things Community Group
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Proposal for WoT WG and IG liaison #93

Open egekorkan opened 1 year ago

egekorkan commented 1 year ago
relu91 commented 1 year ago

We should look into how other groups how they handle the relationship.

I briefly investigated how the Webassembly working group is working together with their corresponding CG. I reviewed:

Key takeaways:

  1. The working group charter lists the CG as the place where to coordinate seed specification to begin the standards process.
  2. The community group charter is very clear on how to contribute and their implications (See section Contribution mechanics. In particular, any substantial changes are bound to W3C COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENT (CLA)
  3. Both repositories refer to joining the CG as a required action before contributing. The Webassembly contributing md file even explicitly says: "Please join the W3C Community Group before sending pull requests: it provides the legal framework that protects the work in this repository"
  4. After quickly reviewing CLA, I saw that section 9 regulates what happens when contributions from CG members are moved to REC documents, citing sections of the W3C Patent Policy. Section 3 regulates generic contributions in terms of Patents.

All and all it seems promising at least from my POV.

@mmccool @sebastiankb @ashimura

egekorkan commented 11 months ago

The reports that the CG can produce are documented at https://www.w3.org/community/reports/

egekorkan commented 11 months ago

Call of 07.11:

egekorkan commented 10 months ago

We have finalized it for review in the CG Internal Meeting of December 4th. An email will be sent to WoT CG and WoT IG/WG for feedback and resolution.