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API Specification Conference 2021 #163

Closed egekorkan closed 3 years ago

egekorkan commented 3 years ago

After a succesful event last year (also an issue at #66), the API Specifcations Conference has a new edition this year (https://events.linuxfoundation.org/openapi-asc/). I think it would be again worthwhile to present WoT there. However, I would say that a new presentation and type of information would be better, i.e. not saying again that we have a spec to describe APIs for IoT devices. See last year's talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySLuAIoz0Dg&list=PLcx_iGeB-Nxil4S7-0Y1Y5r0oLahy3f0Y&index=13

Some suggestions on how to make a different talk this time:

  1. Same content but approach it differently, major change for the start but similar ending, i.e. technical part stays the same but starting with something like "what if we wanted to do APIs for IoT devices, how would it look? -> Then give many examples and point out interoperability problem"
  2. Assume that the audience knows TD 1.0, explain new stuff : Could be too technical and boring.
  3. Talk about Discovery: I think this would be again too technical and for people to be excited about it, they have to be excited about TD in the first place. Otherwise, the TDD is just a database.
  4. Talk about Scripting: This could be quite interesting since I am not aware of other talks that do a similar presentation, i.e. using API specifications to enable easy scripting. It would be interesting for us to get some feedback as well.

I think we should decide on something together in a marketing call.

egekorkan commented 3 years ago

Call for submissions is already open, deadline is June 11

sebastiankb commented 3 years ago

from today's marketing call:

sebastiankb commented 3 years ago

from today's marketing call: @egekorkan will provide an abstract which we can discuss the next time

egekorkan commented 3 years ago

Below is my abstract proposal that follows the discussions in the calls and also the CFP of the conference at https://events.linuxfoundation.org/openapi-asc/program/cfp/#overview

API Specifications Conference CfS

Proposal: Talk Speaker: Ege Korkan

Session description

As a member of the W3C Web of Things Working Group, I will be talking about the recent work of the working group and I will do a hands-on demonstration in a smart home use case and industrial automation. This will be building upon my last year's talk (https://sched.co/deol).

After the publication of the Thing Description (TD) Recommendation, the working group has been developing ways to discover TDs through the WoT Discovery process and also on the Thing Model which brings modeling mechanisms inspired by object-oriented programming to have reusable TD snippets (https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-description11/#thing-model).

TDs allow developers to write API Consumers in different application domains and in a protocol-abstracted fashion. I will demonstrate this with a live-coding session and writing code snippets that look very similar but are able to work in a smart home environment and in industrial automation, showcasing how the concepts of the Web can be used in a variety of domains.

Notes to organizer

Note1: The two specification documents linked above will have an almost final stage at the time of the conference.

Note2: The outline will be as follows:

mmccool commented 3 years ago

Thoughts from main call:

egekorkan commented 3 years ago

I have submitted the talk. There is still time to edit. Please find the attached pdf-printed version of the session and speaker description: Thing Models, Discovery and mo... - API Specifications Conference ... - My Events - Speaker profile @ Sessionize.com.pdf

egekorkan commented 3 years ago

Sadly my submission didn't get accepted. Closing