w3c / wot-profile

Web of Things (WoT) Profile
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Simplified processing of bidirectional text in multi-language TDs #231

Open mlagally opened 2 years ago

mlagally commented 2 years ago

The text processing rules for bidirectional text contain heuristics and are considering complicated layout situation of bidi text and other situations, that are unlikely to occur in real world deployments.

The profile should define a set of constraints and simple set of rules that eliminate ambiguities and can be implemented by consumers with reasonable effort.

benfrancis commented 2 years ago

Are you referring to the guidance (not assertions) in section Thing of WoT Thing Description?

What ambiguities do you think could be resolved by a profile? Is there a reason to do this in a profile rather than the WoT Thing Description specification? Are there constraints and rules which might apply to greenfield devices to improve interoperability but which are impossible for brownfield devices?

Without knowing what specific constraints you have in mind, my first thought is that such constraints should be in the Thing Description specification if anywhere since implementers can probably always choose what human-readable strings to include in a Thing Description, even when describing brownfield devices.