w3c / wot-profile

Web of Things (WoT) Profile
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WIP: Common constraints - identifiers #271

Open mlagally opened 1 year ago

mlagally commented 1 year ago

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mlagally commented 1 year ago

I revised the draft taking the feedback from @benfrancis into account. @benfrancis all, please review again.

benfrancis commented 1 year ago

I don't have a problem with recommending URNs (containing UUIDs) as IDs, as long as any URI is allowed.

If you really feel that it's important for this recommendation to be made in the Profile specification, I suggest reducing this section down to a single assertion which says something along the lines of:

"It is RECOMMENDED that a Web Thing's Thing Description uses a URN [[URN]] containing a UUID [[rfc4122]] as the value of its id member, so that the Thing has a globally unique identifier."

egekorkan commented 1 year ago

I agree with @benfrancis but the most important thing here is to remove the last assertion since the TD spec says:

Ideally, any required immutable identifiers SHOULD only be made available via affordances, such as a property, whose value can only be obtained after appropriate authentication and authorization, and managed separately from the TD identifier.