w3c / wot-thing-description

Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description
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Evaluating composed Things as a work item #1902

Open egekorkan opened 11 months ago

egekorkan commented 11 months ago

Coming from https://github.com/w3c/wot-charter-drafts/issues/59

There have many discussions in the past about how to represent entities like a room "thing" that is actually just affordances of other things that are sensors.

egekorkan commented 11 months ago

Also relates a bit to #1354

mahdanoura commented 11 months ago

I would model a room with a TD providing basic metadata (like id, name, description, security scheme) and using the Links point to the sensors/actuators that are within this room. Each of those devices will then have their own TDs. This enables the use of hypermedia-driven interaction and also compositions that provide with loose-coupling.