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Plan 2nd meeting with Spatial Data on the Web IG/AR #955

Closed mmccool closed 7 months ago

mmccool commented 3 years ago

Issue to plan a follow-up meeting with the SDWWG. Logistics and agenda to be listed here. Followup to https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/939

Date: Jan 19 Time: 17:00 CET/11:00 ET Length: 1h Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/zpj-rghj-gjh IRC: http://irc.w3.org/?channels=wot-uc

Labelled issues:


  1. Introductions and roll call
  2. Open the meeting with patent call and any other relevant announcements to participants
    • Will be held as an IG meeting under W3C, as a "use case" contribution/discussion (see https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases)
    • In particular, minutes will be published under wot-usecases (using IRC channel above)
  3. Take the pulse/get alignment on goals of this ad hoc (this should happen prior to the meeting in this issue and be restated/agreed upon at the start of the meeting) (approx 10m)
  4. Based on 3., define and make sure there's agreement on scope of discussions
    • Discuss definitions of key terms/terminologies
    • Review WoT and WoT discovery goals and architecture, and current thoughts on geospatial discovery (approx 10m)
    • James and Jan-Erik to share about OARC, OSCP and SDS (approx 10m)
  5. Discuss process to achieve goals (20-30m)

E. Next Steps

cperey commented 3 years ago

I would like to clarify that:

  1. (at least speaking for myself) I don't think this is a formal meeting of the SDWIG, however, this meeting was brought up and announced during the January 7 SDWIG meeting and appears in the minutes of that meeting.
  2. Some of those invited to this meeting have interest in the topic but are neither members of SDWIG or the WOT WG.

As for the logistics, unless there is a GTM or WebEx proposed, on the proposed date and time, please join this ad hoc meeting by using Google Meet link https://meet.google.com/zpj-rghj-gjh

The IRC for this meeting will be provided in this issue.

Proposed Agenda: A. Open the meeting with patent call and any other relevant announcements to participants

B. Take the pulse/get alignment on goals of this ad hoc (this should happen prior to the meeting in this issue and be restated/agreed upon at the start of the meeting)

C. Based on A., define and make sure there's agreement on scope of discussions

E. Next Steps

cperey commented 3 years ago

Further to item B above (the goals of this meeting), mine were (and they remain) to have this meeting for the purposes of:

  1. James and Jan-Erik sharing with Rob, Kaz and Michael M (and any others who are in WoT WG) what the OARC has implemented in a reference architecture testbed (the OSCP) for discovery, and for OARC to hear/learn and study what WOT is doing for Discovery
  2. to explore how GeoPose may be used for location in WoT and
  3. make sure that Jan-Erik, James, Tony and others are informed and maybe to participate in the work in W3C, IETF and other groups that could be valuable for the universal support of AR Discovery.
cperey commented 3 years ago

For background reading and context, I define AR Experience Discovery as the result of there being new software intelligence built into network-based identity and data management systems and mobile user agents connected to sensors. The user agents are continually monitoring the user’s context. When digital assets encoded with triggers matching any stimuli in the user’s environment are detected, AR experiences will be delivered (though not necessarily presented). AR experiences prepared by publishers with assets on servers connected to Discovery services and who have a relationship with the individual user or the class of which this user is one, will be delivered and available for presentation, if and when the trigger is recognized.

If/when you have time, I recommend visiting and digesting the content you will find on these links:

[Historical] http://www.perey.com/ARStandards/ar-discovery/

If you need a bit of a primer about Augmented Reality, consider studying use cases here

If you need to see/learn about AR system architecture I recommend this (note: does not talk about discovery because the ARF focuses on the delivery/presentation of AR experiences, after they have been discovered): https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_gs/ARF/001_099/003/01.01.01_60/gs_ARF003v010101p.pdf

For background about Open AR Cloud (general): https://www.openarcloud.org/ About Open Spatial Computing Platform: https://www.openarcloud.org/oscp Git Repo for Spatial Content Discovery https://github.com/OpenArCloud/oscp-spatial-content-discovery

About OGC GeoPose standard working group https://www.ogc.org/projects/groups/geoposeswg

mmccool commented 3 years ago

For WoT Discovery, please see our Editor's draft here: https://w3c.github.io/wot-discovery/ Fraunhofer has a prototype implementation, see here: https://github.com/linksmart/thing-directory This prototype, however, does not yet support semantic search (or geolocation), that is being worked on, along with a second implementation.

mmccool commented 3 years ago

Proposed follow-up actions; please comment below:

  1. Recruit spatial experts to participate in WoT use case calls and contribute use cases.
  2. Discuss liaisons between WoT and geospatial orgs
    • Standard-setting orgs, e.g. OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium)
    • Industry representative orgs, e.g. OARC (Open AR Cloud)
  3. Review and summarize relevant spatial data standards (document/reference survey)
    • For an example, see the summary document prepared for relevant ITU-T standards
  4. Review relevant ongoing standards activities (e.g. IETF spatial DNS, ETSI, NGSI-LD, etc.)
  5. Write up concrete proposals and prototypes
    • Encoding of geospatial data in TDs and in data schemas for Things
    • Geospatial filters for WoT discovery queries
  6. Review proposals by spatial experts
mmccool commented 3 years ago

see https://w3c.github.io/silver/subgroups/xr/index.html - Silver XR - Accessible AR Also more general geolocation is also relevant to accessibility See https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/953 for general accessibility discussion

ashimura commented 7 months ago
