w3c / xaur

XR Accessibility User Requirements
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The note in section 4.19 should probably be clarified. #6

Open jasonjgw opened 3 years ago

jasonjgw commented 3 years ago

In section 4.19, User Need 19 and the associated requirement are clear. However, the Note which follows them is confusing.

The note mentions "visual processing difficulties" that may be encountered by people with "traumatic brain injury", but there's no obvious relationship between that issue and the User Need and Requirement given in the text above - that is, the user's missing information in stereo or binaural soundscapes. This should be clarified.

Further, the problem of discoverability of the "mono" audio option is mentioned in the Note. However, at the 30 June 2021 RQTF meeting, it was recognized that discoverability of accessibility options is a much wider issue, and that it should be treated in a more generic context (with appropriate cross-references to any applicable guidance available elsewhere) rather than just in connection with this audio issue. Should we remove it from this note and mention it somewhere else in the XAUR document? I agree it should be in a note - but I'm not sure this issue is the place to address a much more general concern. At a minimum, I think it should be a separate note (i.e., a separate paragraph) and generalized to cover all accessibility options - not just this audio one. An alternative would be to remove it entirely, of course.

RealJoshue108 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @jasonjgw Again a good catch - I've clarified the note to say:

"People with traumatic brain injuries can develop spatial orientation impairments and may have visual processing difficulties or miss information in stereo or binaural soundscapes."

RealJoshue108 commented 2 years ago

@jasonjgw I've moved the note on mono and discoverability to the section 'Usability and affordances in XR'. I've also generalized it somewhat, so it is now a broader note on the 'discoverability of accessibility features' in XR:

Here is the text:

Regarding the discoverability of accessibility features in XR. It is important for designers of accessible XR to understand how to categorize various accessibility features and understand where to place them, in a menu for example. An accessibility related accommodation may have multiple contexts of use that may not be obvious. For example, the suggested use of "mono" in User Need 19 is not just an accessibility feature under a hearing impaired category, as it is also useful for users with spatial orientation impairments or cognitive and learning disabilities. Care should be taken to ensure these features are categorized in menus correctly and discoverable in multiple contexts.

jasonjgw commented 2 years ago

Thank you, Josh - that's moving in the right direction.

RealJoshue108 commented 2 years ago

Ok, great - added to main branch