w3c / xslt30-test

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streamable-104 - schema validation #44

Open michaelhkay opened 2 years ago

michaelhkay commented 2 years ago

See Saxon bug 5185.

XSLT3 test case streamable-104 relies on the source document (which is streamed) being schema-validated: it uses the construct max(@value) where the attribute is value="13.24 8.12", expecting the numeric answer 13.24.

However, the stylesheet reads the document using

<xsl:source-document streamable="true" href="grouped-transactions.xml">

with no validation or type attribute, and the spec indicates that there should therefore be no schema validation. Saxon is "passing" the test only because schema-validation is requested in the test environment metadata, which is not something the test should rely on since it represents a departure from the spec.

Should add validation="strict" to the xsl:source-document instruction to reflect the intent of the test.