w3champions / website

The webpage for the www.w3champions.com community project.
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fix(favicon): correct file type mismatch #662

Closed Rotzbua closed 1 year ago

Rotzbua commented 1 year ago
gustav87 commented 1 year ago

Hey! I'm not familiar with how favicons work. Tried to google as usual but didn't find a conclusive answer. Since this PR makes 2 favicons of different sizes, what's the logic for loading one or the other?

Rotzbua commented 1 year ago

The sizes is a hint for the browser to decide which resolutions of the favicon are available. Depending on the desired resolution the browser chose the correct favicon. The browser also can chose the bigger favicon and downsize it.

In practice the most requested icon should be the small size. The bigger should be only requested if a bigger icon is required e.g. the website pinned to home screen.

Indeed the information about favicon is a real mess. Most websites provide outdated recommendations from Internet Explorer era or around 2015 with the first PWAs. The current recommendation for new projects is to provide a svg/png favicon and a fallback favicon.ico (in rootfolder) for legacy endpoints.

gustav87 commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks for the explanation. Approved!

gustav87 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, my browser still loads the large favicon when trying it out on https://test.w3champions.com

EDIT: actually, it's loading the .ico, but https://w3champions.wc3.tools/test/site/favicon.ico?v=5 is still the large image. I'm not sure how that works. I'll have to ask someone more senior.

Rotzbua commented 1 year ago

The used CDN cloudflare caches the files to reduce the number of requests to the source server. If you add some random string to bust the cache the current file is provided:


I think in some hours the cache is automatically refreshed.

gustav87 commented 1 year ago

Gotcha. Looking at the response headers on that file, the cache could be 7 days, but I'm not certain. Anyway, as you mentioned, it should resolve itself soon.

gustav87 commented 1 year ago

It's already fetching the new file :+1: