w3ctag / design-principles

A small-but-growing set of design principles collected by the TAG while reviewing specifications
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Guidance about return values of (conceptually) void functions #286

Open LeaVerou opened 3 years ago

LeaVerou commented 3 years ago

Certain functions, are primarily called for their side effects, and do not have an obvious return value.

However, it is common practice in the wild to make these functions return a value that is seen as potentially useful, so these functions can be used in the context of a larger expression, essentially allowing developers to combine what would have been multiple statements in one. For example, a common pattern is to return the function context, to allow for chaining (Fluent APIs). Another pattern is to return one of the arguments. The thinking is that if the developer does not need the return value, they can always not use it.

Some examples of such methods on the Web platform:

I'm not including examples of methods who are primarily called for their side effects, but return a value that communicates some aspect of what happened that cannot be obtained any other way (e.g. media.play()), because that’s not just a convenience.

On the other hand, there are way, way more void methods that do not follow this pattern and just return undefined:

What should be the TAG's position on this?

On one hand, since the examples where undefined is returned far outnumber those where a value is returned, it would seem that for consistency, we should encourage returning undefined. On the other hand, developers have frequently lamented that these methods return undefined instead of something more useful, and there are entire libraries whose main (or even only) point is to wrap these functions and give them a useful return value. There doesn't seem to be any downside to returning a potentially useful value (since the function can still be called as a void), so it seems that returning undefined is a wasted opportunity. However, the fact that the newer DOM manipulation methods went that route, which seems to have been a conscious decision since the legacy ones did return a value, makes me think there might be something at play here that I have not considered (perhaps @annevk or @domenic could provide some background here).

If I really try to find downsides, here are a few I came up with:

Regardless, this seems like something worth discussing and resolving on so we can all be on the same page.

Footnote: Canvas API, current vs fluent Compare: ```js ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 256, 192); ctx.save(); ctx.translate(96, 96); ctx.rotate(45*Math.PI/180); ctx.scale(1.2); ctx.drawImage(img1, 0,0,192,192, -288,-288,576,576); ctx.drawImage(img2, 0,0,192,192, -96 ,-96 ,192,192); ctx.drawImage(img3, 0,0,192,192, -32 ,-32 ,64 ,64); ctx.restore(); ``` with: ```js ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 256, 192) .save() .translate(96, 96) .rotate(45*Math.PI/180) .scale(1.2) .drawImage(img1, 0,0,192,192, -288,-288,576,576) .drawImage(img2, 0,0,192,192, -96 ,-96 ,192,192) .drawImage(img3, 0,0,192,192, -32 ,-32 ,64 ,64) .restore(); ```
annevk commented 3 years ago

This question does come up sometimes, e.g., why not return this instead of undefined for append(), delete(), and set() in https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlsearchparams (see https://github.com/whatwg/url/issues/90). My thinking on this is still roughly the same:

  1. It prevents returning something unique in the future. In the sense that you already have access to this, but not something we might come up with in the future.
  2. I find it very hard to grasp why chaining is a good pattern to follow as you cannot consistently allow it across all methods (some actually have to return something). It seems that should be a language feature of sorts if people want to write code that way.
domenic commented 3 years ago

Another reason why I think the chaining pattern is bad is that it breaks command-query separation. Although the platform does not fully respect command-query separation, as you note with some exceptions, it's a good design principle to strive for in any API.

torgo commented 3 years ago

As discussed, @hober is going to have a go at writing a PR.