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No-Vary-Search HTTP header #797

Closed liviutinta closed 1 year ago

liviutinta commented 1 year ago

Wotcher TAG!

I'm requesting a TAG review of No-Vary-Search. Chromium is currently experimenting only for the prefetch cache, so review from that point of view is most important, but we are designing this as a general primitive for more web platform caches, and engaging the HTTP community for how this could impact HTTP caches (both in the browser and in proxies and servers).

No-Vary-Search is a proposed HTTP header which changes how various URL-keyed caches match, by letting them ignore some or all query parameters, or query parameter order. For example, if the order of the query parameter keys should not cause cache misses, this is indicated using

No-Vary-Search: key-order

If the specific query parameters (e.g., ones indicating something for analytics) should not cause cache misses, this is indicated using

No-Vary-Search: params=("utm_source" "utm_medium" "utm_campaign")

And if the page instead wants to take an allowlist-based approach, where only certain known query parameters should cause cache misses, they can use

No-Vary-Search: params, except=("productId")

Further details:

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback

ylafon commented 1 year ago

Hi, we reviewed this during our last f2f.

While it is not ideal to set expectations on other resources (varying by parameters, for example), we didn't see any major issue. We encourage you to continue experimenting with this and would like to see this work being discussed further in the IETF's HTTP-WG. Thanks,