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Web of Things (WoT) Profile - Review Requested #818

Closed mmccool closed 9 months ago

mmccool commented 1 year ago

こんにちは TAG-さん!

I'm requesting a TAG review of Web of Things (WoT) Profiles.

The WoT Profile WoT Profile defines a Profiling Mechanism which restricts options and guides best practices to enable out-of-the-box interoperability when using Web of Things for greenfield devices. The current draft defines only profiles for HTTP. Out-of-the-box interoperability implies that devices can be integrated together into various application scenarios without deep level adaptations.

Further details:

You should also know that...

[please tell us anything you think is relevant to this review]

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

🐛 open issues in our GitHub repo for each point of feedback


Please preview the issue and check that the links work before submitting.

In particular, if anything links to a URL which requires authentication (e.g. Google document), please make sure anyone with the link can access the document. We would prefer fully public documents though, since we work in the open.

¹ We require an explainer to give the relevant context for the spec review, even if the spec has some background information. For background, see our explanation of how to write a good explainer. We recommend the explainer to be in Markdown.

² A Security and Privacy questionnaire helps us understand potential security and privacy issues and mitigations for your design, and can save us asking redundant questions. See https://www.w3.org/TR/security-privacy-questionnaire/.

hadleybeeman commented 1 year ago

Hello, @mmccool! Thanks for opening this issue, and apologies that it has taken us a while to get to this.

We are looking at this now. How are you doing with take-up and implementations?

Also, we have noticed that Matter is gaining traction. Does the WoT profile play with other initiatives like this, or are they completely unrelated?

benfrancis commented 1 year ago

Also, we have noticed that Matter is gaining traction. Does the WoT profile play with other initiatives like this, or are they completely unrelated?

I will defer to @mmccool on the overall implementation status, but perhaps as an editor of the WoT Profiles specification I can provide some input on this specific point.

Matter is certainly an interesting new standard, particularly in the consumer smart home space, due to its cross-vendor support. After several years of marketing, commercial products are finally starting to trickle onto the market, and whilst Matter is not yet quite living up to its interoperability promises it is certainly a welcome development in that space.

However, Matter is just one of a very large number of different protocols in what remains a very heterogeneous Internet of Things, with a wide range of protocols at various layers of the networking stack used for different use cases and application domains. I would suggest that the Web of Things should not be seen as a competitor to those protocols, but rather a bridge between them.

There are two ways a Matter device might be integrated with the Web of Things:

  1. By describing a Matter device directly using a Thing Description via a Matter binding specification, for which a liason with the Connectivity Standards Alliance has been proposed for the next charter
  2. By bridging Matter devices on a local network to the Web of Things on the Internet, using an IoT gateway which exposes the device using a common web protocol which can be directly consumed by web services

The latter is where I think the current WoT Profiles specification comes in, and is the approach taken by my company's own Web of Things gateway implementation (which bridges a large number of different IoT protocols to the Web of Things) and cloud service (which consumes devices using that standardised interface).

I hope that helps, but I am happy to answer any follow-up questions if I can.

plinss commented 1 year ago

The TAG would like to invite a handful of representatives from the WoT WG to join us for a session to help us get a better understanding of some of the goals and plans of the WG. We're hoping that a direct conversation will be more productive than a series of back and forth messages.

We can be a bit flexible around time zones, but out ideal would be in our normal Monday breakout slot from 16:00-17:00 UTC (9-10am Pacific) on any week that works for you (probably after May 29 as that's a US holiday).

mmccool commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late response on this, since we decided not to try and push Profiles through in this charter (ending in a month) our focus has been on the three other WoT documents entering PR. However, Profiles are included in our next draft charter and it would be a good time to gather input on them. Are your constraints on a meeting time the same? I will check with others involved in Profiles about whether the Monday slot works.

As for Matter, what Ben said. My company is a member of the consortium and I have worked with Matter a fair bit. While technically the standard solves several problems related to security and performance, it's not going to magically replace all the existing standards overnight, nor is is completely suitable for all use cases, being mostly focused on Smart Home. The statements they make about it solving problems of interoperability are mostly in that specific context and based on assumptions about wide adoption there. My expectations is that Matter will slowly gain traction but that IoT will continue to use a variety of standards and WoT will remain relevant.

rhiaro commented 11 months ago

Hi @mmccool some of us will be at TPAC in person in September. Would it be useful for us to arrange to join part of one of your meetings?

sebastiankb commented 11 months ago

Hi @rhiaro, I already sent an email response about this option two weeks ago. The WoT meetings are on Thursday and Friday afternoons (14:30-18:30). On Thursday, 17:30-18:30, we have already reserved a joint meeting with Accessibility. We are still flexible with the other time slots. Are there some possible options for you?

mmccool commented 11 months ago

I unfortunately won't be there in person, so best to arrange any F2F with @sebastiankb

rhiaro commented 9 months ago

Hi again @mmccool and @sebastiankb We're really sorry we didn't manage to arrange a time to meet with you at TPAC. We're going to close this for now, please could you file a new review request at a suitable time during your next charter period? We unfortunately don't have time for an early review of this at the moment, but will do our best to get back to you if we do managed to clear our backlog a bit more before we hear from you next.