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navigateEvent.sourceElement #867

Closed natechapin closed 6 months ago

natechapin commented 1 year ago

こんにちは TAG-さん!

I'm requesting a TAG review of navigateEvent.sourceElement.

This is a small extension of the navigation API, which was previously reviewed in https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/605 and https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/717. The navigateEvent exposes many details about a navigation that has just begun, and we wish to add a sourceElement attribute: the Element that initiated the navigation (if any).

Further details:

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please delete all but the desired option):

💬 leave review feedback as a comment in this issue and @-notify [@natechapin, @domenic]

letitz commented 1 year ago

Hi there @natechapin, @domenic, a quick request for clarification:

  • Security and Privacy self-review²: None - this shouldn't expose anything that isn't already available

This is because the navigation events are always from same-origin sources, so the website could have tracked the source element itself if it so desired?

natechapin commented 1 year ago

Hi there @natechapin, @domenic, a quick request for clarification:

  • Security and Privacy self-review²: None - this shouldn't expose anything that isn't already available

This is because the navigation events are always from same-origin sources, so the website could have tracked the source element itself if it so desired?


torgo commented 11 months ago

Hi - Can you please author an explainer for this so that we can conduct the review? Thanks! ✨

domenic commented 11 months ago

What is wrong with the explainer linked in the OP? (Notice this is a single added property in a larger spec, so it's being done as an update to that spec's explainer.)

LeaVerou commented 11 months ago

What is wrong with the explainer linked in the OP? (Notice this is a single added property in a larger spec, so it's being done as an update to that spec's explainer.)

You mean this? It’s missing nearly all the sections an explainer needs, described here. If it's too small a feature to meaningfully have an explainer, it may be too small to need TAG review.

domenic commented 11 months ago

That explainer (full version at https://github.com/WICG/navigation-api/blob/b0286752a0a5a1babd782e4bc8e68e696538fd10/README.md) does have all the sections. It's true this addition is a small part of the overall navigation API. Perhaps it is too small to need TAG review; if that's the TAG's judgment, then please feel free to close :).

torgo commented 6 months ago

As agreed on today's call. We agree it's too small to require a TAG review so we're going to close.